Kaytranada Announces North American Tour Dates

Kaytranada has announced a North American tour in support of new album Timeless. The shows take place in September and October. Joining the producer and


Will Smith and Johnny Depp Seen on Yacht Trip Together

Captain Jack Sparrow is back on the high seas with a new friend. Johnny Depp and Will Smith were photographed together on a yacht, along with


Caroline Shaw to Release Score Album for Ken Burns’ New Leonardo da Vinci Documentary

Caroline Shaw composed the original score for Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, and David McMahon’s forthcoming documentary Leonardo da Vinci. On October 25, she’ll release the


Kim Kardashian Describes Breaking Her Fingers in Sliding Door – Hollywood Life

Image Credit: dpa/picture alliance via Getty I Kim Kardashian recounted the moment she broke multiple fingers in a sliding door. During a new episode of


Japandroids Announce Final Album, Share New Song “Chicago”: Listen

Japandroids have announced a new album, and it will be the band’s last. Fate & Alcohol, the follow-up to 2017’s Near to the Wild Heart


Obama Tells Allies Biden Needs To Seriously Consider His Viability – Hollywood Life

Image Credit: Getty Images Despite being good ol’ pals at the White House during their time in office from 2009 to 2017, the 44th president


Nala Sinephro Announces New Album Endlessness

Nala Sinephro is coming back with her first album since her great 2021 debut, Space 1.8. The new album, Endlessness, lands on September 6 via


Kate Middleton’s Wimbledon Appearance Might Be Her Last for a While – Hollywood Life

Image Credit: Getty Images Kate Middleton is now on “summer break” and will be taking a pause from public engagements for a while, according to


Stephen Malkmus, Emmett Kelly, Matt Sweeney, and Jim White Form New Band the Hard Quartet

Stephen Malkmus is launching a new band. His new group, following Pavement and Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, is called the Hard Quartet. Joining the


Travis Barker’s Daughter Alabama, 18, Is Taking Weight-Loss Medication

Ozempic is no laughing matter for the comedian. Handler revealed her “anti-aging doctor” prescribed the medication without her realizing what the drug was. “I didn’t