AI-designed proteins tackle century-old problem — making snake antivenoms

Snake venom can cause paralysis, tissue damage and death.Credit: Ingo Schulz/imageBROKER via Getty Proteins designed using artificial intelligence (AI) can block the lethal effects of


Retractions caused by honest mistakes are extremely stressful, say researchers

Authors who had a paper retracted said their data errors were mostly caused by inattention or technical problems.Credit: Jacob Wackerhausen/Getty Most researchers whose papers are


Earth breaches 1.5 °C climate limit for the first time: what does it mean?

People in New Delhi, India, wait in line for water in June 2024 during a heat wave.Credit: Raj K Raj/Hindustan Times via Getty It’s official:


Sulfide-rich continental roots at cratonic margins formed by carbonated melts

Cratonic boundaries or margins Although cratonic margins host abundant metal deposit types or systems1,2,3,4, the margins of cratons are frequently not clearly defined. Previous studies


‘Precocious’ early-career scientists with high citation counts proliferate

In 2023, more than 450 scientists who had begun publishing research only in the previous eight years were among the ranks of most-cited researchers. Credit:


Fancy birds decorate nests with a natural pattern: snakeskin

More than 70 bird species adorn their nests with snakeskin, a decorating trick that could help to fend off predators1. Access options Access Nature and


Of your own device

Walls. Thick, dark, stone walls. Ben couldn’t recall how long he’d been here. There was nothing to help him keep track of time. He ran


How a silly science prize changed my career

Download the 27 December long read podcast Marc Abrahams created the Ig Nobel prizes in 1991, after years of collecting examples of weird research that


a festive parody song from the Nature Podcast

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Explore 2024 with Leif Penguinson

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a hero was born: Leif Penguinson, a Rockhopper penguin on a mission to hide each week in scientifically