Check out the best Labor Day weekend sales on outdoor gear from retailers like REI, Amazon, and Home Depot.
These are the best Labor Day sale outdor deals:

Labor Day weekend is finally upon us. Before you clock off and hit the road for whatever adventure awaits you, you’ll want to check out some of the biggest outdoor gear sales. Whether you need to stock up on essentials or score that major piece of gear you’ve been missing, this weekend is a great time to shop everything you need to support you in the pursuit of the great outdoors from retailers like REI, Amazon, and Home Depot.
While there are plenty of outdoor deals on Amazon leading up to the long weekend, retailers are also running official savings events to celebrate the long weekend. At REI, you can save up to 40% on Labor Day sale items (and clearance). Meanwhile, at Home Depot, the sale features seriously slashed prices on grills, appliances, outdoor furniture, and more.
Check out some of the best finds from these sales.
Best camping deal
Why we like it
A good quality sleeping bag that will keep you comfortably warm even in low temperatures can be pretty expensive. That’s why REI’s Labor Day sale is a great time to buy. Normally almost $400, the REI Co-op Magma 30 Sleeping Bag is on sale this weekend for $265.29, making the investment much more tolerable. Weighing under 2 pounds and designed to fit inside a small stuff sack, this is the ultimate sleeping back for backpacking trips where every square inch saved in your pack counts.
Mashable Deals
More camping deals
Best emergency preparedness deal
Why we like it
If you’re trekking out into the woods, some emergency preparedness items are simply a must-have, including Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets. Mylar Thermal Blankets help you conserve body heat in emergency situations, and they can also be used for ground cover, shade, or shelter thanks to their waterproof and windproof composition. These blankets are reusable and sold in packs of four. This weekend, they’re 46% off, taking the price down to $6.99, or just $1.75 per blanket. It’s a good time to stock up!
More emergency preparedness deals
Best backyard deal
Why we like it
Home Depot’s Labor Day sale is one of the best times to score big-ticket items for less – especially grills. While there’s no shortage of grills on sale, Traeger Pro 575 stands out for its versatility. Not only is it a pellet grill, but it doubles as a smoker. If you love real wood-smoked flavor, then there’s no better addition to your backyard. Plus, it’s WiFi-enabled for more precise temperature control. Normally $799, the Labor Day sale saves you $200.